Sunday, August 8, 2010

Online Games For Tech Deck


On this page:
  • accuracy distance and elevation points
  • Correct misplaced
distance and accuracy elevation
If you are looking for a GPS recorder which is accurate in terms of altitude, it might not be the most interesting feature, but which can boast of being better? To date, this technology has its limits.

As written in many places, it's a cool gadget, not a professional device. Let the so it fulfills its function to geotag images on Google maps, your route is well where 5 to 10m accuracy is sufficient.

A difference of 100m above sea level can easily s display compared to reality, some peaks are sometimes seriously climb the slope, but it is possible to eliminate these unwanted items.

The optimization function of the route may be of interest, typically in town or sometimes coordinates are completely in the cabbage due to the reflected signal in buildings which extends quite a distance as you ride aloft.

Correct misplaced items

Here's a link on the forum explaining this option, in English, available via third party software, Trip @ PC does not function : - /


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