It's almost Valentine's Day ... .
If there is a terrible embarrassment in human behavior is timidity. Each day this month of June, Valentine, Clerical employee in a ministry, would eat his lunch in the Jardin des Plantes.
past few days he noticed, sitting nicely on another bench, a cute girl who also enjoy beautiful days to appease hunger mid-day. Delphine, because it is his name, worked as secretary to a lawyer. They were identified and each in their inner soul was another very nice and even, the word is strong, desirable.
- "How to approach? " wondered Valentine.
- "What accosted for it? "Delphine thought.
Snacks and strategies inflamed middle of each day. But the glue stuck to the bottom of Valentin. Impossible, despite repeated approaches to solutions to rise. Lead weighed down his chin Delphine who dared raise their head in the direction of the young man, and a slight encouragement decide to take the first step. Glu and lead, not light light stuff. Passed June, July, too. Glue and lead the poor children always froze. In August it was the holidays, nobody on the bench, then came September 1.
Valentine heart pounding, looked beautiful. Delphine, knotted intestines, small steps, looked the young man. Arriving each by a different path at the bend of a huge statue, the meeting was inevitable, snacks fell, they rattled the head to pick them up, blushed, stammered Valentin, Delphine too.
And everyone went off into another direction in hand with the snacks on the other ...
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