Saturday, November 18, 2006

How To Figure Out A Garrison Lock Combination

52-End of blog

Well, everything at the end! adventure stops for me. Not that I disavow everything I learned about respect for sacred things as water, air, earth and sky so


Only that I no longer have the energy to complete this adventure blogosphere!

So I ended this blog by thanking all those who read me, their support, encouragement and positive thoughts.

I leave the blog in the state so he can make may be something to those who comply not end up the mysteries of clicks.

Good continuation to all!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Christmas Sweaters In Niagara Falls

51-The Charter of sheep

1) I accept competition as the basis of our system, although I realize that this operation generates frustration and anger for the vast majority of losers,

2) I agree to be humiliated or exploited if let me have my turn to humiliate or exploit someone in an inferior position in the pyramid Social

3) I agree to the exclusion social outsiders, misfits and low because I believe that the management of the company has its limits,

4) I agree to pay the banks to invest my wages at their convenience, and that 'They do me no revertants dividend of their huge profits (which will serve to rob poor countries that accept implicitly). I also accept that they charge a high commission to lend me the money that is different from that of other clients,

5) I agree that is frozen and that we throw tons of food not only during the collapse, rather than to give to the needy and to allow hundreds of thousands of people do not die of starvation each year

6) I agree that it is forbidden to end his life quickly, however I tolerate so be it slowly inhaling or ingesting toxic substances permitted by the states,

7) I agree that we make war to make peace. I agree that in the name of peace, the first expense statements or the defense budget. So I accept that conflicts are created artificially to sell stocks of weapons and turn the world economy,

8) I accept the hegemony of oil in our economy, although it is an expensive and polluting energy, and I agree to prevent any attempt to substitute, if s transpire that we discover a free and unlimited energy production, which would be our loss,

9) I agree that we condemn the killing of his neighbor, unless the decree states it is an enemy and encourage us to kill him,

10) I agree that we divide public opinion by creating political parties of left and right who spend their time to fight in giving me the impression of advancing the system. I accept also all sorts of possible divisions, provided they allow me to focus my anger toward the designated enemies that we will wave the portrait in front of my eyes,

11) I agree that the power to shape the public opinion, once held by religions, is now in the hands of unelected racketeers totally free and democratically controlled states, because I am convinced they will make good use,

12) J accept the idea that happiness comes down to comfort, love, sex, and freedom to the satisfaction of all desires, because that is what advertising I rehashing all day. I am more unhappy the more I eat: I will fulfill my role in contributing to the smooth functioning of our economy,

13) I agree that the value of a person is measured by the size of his bank account, that we appreciate its usefulness in terms of productivity rather than quality, and that's excluded from the system if it is not productive enough,

14) I agree that it pays handsomely players or football players, much less teachers and doctors in charge of education and health future generations

15) I agree that we put the bench in society seniors whose experience could be helpful, because it is the most advanced civilization on the planet (and probably the universe) we know that experience does not share or transmitted,

16) I agree that I will be present negative news and terrifying world every day, so I can enjoy a how our situation is normal and how lucky I am to live in the West. I know that maintaining the fear in our minds can only be beneficial for us

17) I agree that the industrial, military and politicians meet regularly to consult us without taking decisions that affect the future of life and the planet,

18) I agree to consume beef treated with hormones without being asked explicitly noted. I agree that GMO crops can spread throughout the world, enabling trusts the food to patent life, to reap substantial dividends and held under the yoke of world agriculture,

19 ) I agree that international banks lend money to countries seeking to arm themselves and fight, and so those who choose to make war and those who do not will not. I am aware that it is better to finance both sides to be sure of making money, and perpetuating the conflict as long as possible in order to totally plunder their resources if they can not repay loans,

20) I agree that multinationals refrain from applying the social progress of the West in poor countries. Considering that this is already an improvement to make them work, I prefer using the laws in force in those countries to make children work in inhuman conditions and precarious. On behalf of human rights and citizen, we have no right to interference,

21) I agree that politicians may be of questionable honesty and sometimes even corrupt. I also think that this is normal given the strong pressures they face. For the majority by cons, zero tolerance should be appropriate,

22) I agree that the pharmaceutical companies and food manufacturers in poor countries sell products obsolete or use of carcinogenic substances banned in the West ,

23) I agree that the remainder of the planet, that is to say four billion people, may think differently if he did not come here to express his beliefs, much less try to explain our history with philosophical notions primitive

24) I accept the idea that there are only two possibilities in nature, namely hunt or be hunted. And if we are endowed with consciousness and language, it is certainly not escape this duality, but to justify why we act this way,

25) I agree to consider our past as an uninterrupted series of conflicts, conspiracies political and hegemonic intentions, but I know all this now because we are no longer at the peak of our evolution, and that the only rules governing our world are seeking happiness and freedom of all peoples As we keep hearing in our political discourse,

26) I accept without question and I consider all truths theories proposed for explaining the mystery of our origins. And I accept that nature could put millions of years to create a human being whose only hobby is destroying his own species in a few moments

27) I accept the pursuit of profit as the supreme goal of humanity, and the accumulation of wealth as the fulfillment of human life,

28) I accept the destruction of forests, nearly disappearance of fish from rivers and oceans. I accept the increase of industrial pollution and the spread of chemical poisons and radioactive elements in nature. I agree to the use of all kinds of chemical additives in my diet because I am convinced that if we put them there, is that they are useful and safe

29) I accept economic war raging on the planet, even if I feel it leads to an unprecedented disaster,

30) I accept this situation, and I admit I can not do anything to change it or improve it,

31) I accept being treated like cattle, because all things considered, I think I am no better,

32) I agree not to ask any question, to ignore all this, and make no real opposition because I am too busy with my life and my worries. I accept even death to defend this policy if you ask me,

33) I therefore agree, in my soul and awareness and finally, this sad array that you put before my eyes But I can see the reality of things. I know that you act for my sake and that of everyone, and I thank you.

Manufactured by friendship on earth, September 11, 2003.

signed X