Friday, March 4, 2011

Ichy Rash From Brazilian

The Shy ... More

A body and cries, then rather screams, the crowd, finally some subscribers may be two or three really , follow me demanderla the skylight : "The Shy" (see)
Well goes like this:

barely more above a huge grove Valentin crunched back into his sandwich. What was his surprise to discover a informemorceau almost stale bread.
Enl'ouvrant he discovered a kind of slice of ham, surely poly phosphate, denounced by Jean Pierre Coffe, with a thin film of butter he judged by its appearance, a kind êtreplutôt margarine.
- " The poor, he should think "
Aucontraire, Delphine, still troubled by the incident, should not perceive suitedu change. This was the astonishment when, chewing, already without difficulty, one little pickle craquât under her cute white teeth. Then a delicious piece of chicken followed by salad tendrefeuille.
There, she realized she had a trésorgustatif, in this case, the snack of the handsome stranger.
Eneffet, the unknown, Valentine had the privilege of having a bowel mamanpoule that every morning, lovingly, and every day differently, he was preparing his lunch.
Aun Delphine would someday close came across an assortment of rosettes Lyon County entred thinly on a bed debeurre bio. Without missing a mini thermos of coffee Arabica Fauchon.
Pourla beautiful Delphine, far from his native Britain and his modest family, sarestauration it obtained supplies distributor in the store closest to his work.
Vivantchez an old bedridden aunt, she spent more time off work, às'occuper her.
Ellehésita a moment before continuing, but a curious desire to invade, that is to bite back Labouche where the stranger had placed his lips. Closing his eyes with delight by the intermediary elles'imaginât festive touch avecl'inconnu mouth.
Amazing, Valentine, after the habit of throwing the infâmecroûton, also had the same desire. And therefore, blocked in mouthfuls of bland product malgréla he dreamed to unepossession lingual. A time to dream! But the next day, how to win again this lourdetimidité?
Uneidée came during his troubled sleep. Installed before a hearty petitdéjeuné usual, he asked his mother to prepare him two sandwiches. Surprised Mother:
- "Pourun friend in need he lied, blushing"
Delphine, she, in retrospect, was upset and ashamed to think that this young man discovers, evidence hand, the reflection of his modestecondition. So she prepared a huge picnic in a basket in a closet ancientrouvé. Sandwich bread, sausage, cheese, fruit, a bottle of orange juice and even nice tablecloth and napkin tissue unblanc immaculate.
- " That way, she should think naively, I'll be up to Her "
Miditrente. Valentin walks like a Sioux, in search of the girl.
surprise, he finds her sitting on a chair, towel on his knees beside him on unbanc stone: the web. Above, victuals prominently. A thin ray of sunshine making the éclatdans long blond hair. A table at the Renoir.
Valentin, two snacks in hand was pretty ridiculous. Such as frozen statuevénusienne at Cross fessu who hid from the eyes of Delphine, he nesavait what attitude to take. A new glue prevented any daring.
C'estalors that during the recess, the school gaminsde neighbor, per game, continued, surprised by the obstacle quefaisait épieur, he went back inside.
Violently, Valentin collapses faster, projected on a glide between the knees of Delphine, lenez just the height of a delicate butt (hehe) ... cold chicken. All asunder, basket, cloth, groceries and two sandwiches beyond mother hen.
Delphinetomba backwards, showing her pink below (a little eroticism anyway).
And they do as well as glue and lead in the middle of a flowerbed, firentun alchemical amalgam under riresdes brats.
Delphine Valentinreleva a scarlet ears. Smiles stuck, but even souriresquand and stammering presentations.
bravesgens ... But, every noon now, we can attend the lavish meals (toujoursgrâce to Mother Hen) two cooing pigeons.
parcontre, I'll let you guess what was the approach and implementation of the first kiss!

Happy End

Monday, February 28, 2011

Headaches And Swollen Feet After Giving Birth

Work In Progress: Pedro

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Globby Yellow Discharge Pregnant

Favorite Games Banned

My favorite heart this Sunday.
I still remember this scene because in seeing this movie (kid) I thought the cry of despair of the small Paulette, curiously, was addressed to me.

And it must review all the other scenes

Thursday, February 24, 2011

What To Wear For Dress In Jamacia

Work In Progress: Triptych light

This project will be part of a triptych on how to approach the vertical by means of lighting using a natural material hijacked.
How to use the space to move a fixture with the least possible action on it.
The first project, Kaa, was already the subject of a ticket.

This Project Will Be a part of understanding how we tryptich verticality with lights using hijacked a natural material.
How to use space and move a light with Less action on it.
The first one, Kaa, WAS Introduce Already here.

The second project.

The second one.

To Be Continued ...